Monday, April 16, 2007

Magnate's new Poseidon adventure

Magnate's new Poseidon adventure
April 14, 2007
The market is betting Andrew Forrest may turn nickel into gold, writes Jamie Freed.

THE legendary Poseidon nickel deposit, which launched the greatest speculative sharemarket boom in Australian history, could soon be resurrected by one of the nation's most controversial entrepreneurs.
Almost 40 years after the nation was captivated by one drill hill in remote Western Australia, investors are again betting there is plenty more nickel - and money - to be mined from the infamous site.
In late 1969 a temporary global nickel shortage combined with a spectacular amount of hype about the Windarra discovery propelled shares in its owner, Poseidon, from less than $1 to a peak of $280.
"It was terribly exciting," recalls Tony Howland-Rose, a veteran miner who helped discover the deposit as a young geophysicist. "It was just sort of the unreality about it all."
Everyone from Sydney taxi drivers to City of London financiers took a punt on once-obscure exploration companies in the wake of the Poseidon find. But dreams were shattered and fortunes lost after the drilling results responsible for the frenzy were revealed as fraudulent.
Eventually, a mine was built on the site, but it proved very disappointing before it closed 18 years ago.
Yet the spotty history of Windarra has not fazed the Perth entrepreneur and paper billionaire Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest, who is leading an attempt to reopen the mine.
"Poseidon always generates an emotion of excitement in the hearts of the more experienced financial players," he said.
Mr Forrest and his family are hardly strangers to the Laverton region where Windarra is located. It was first explored by Mr Forrest's great great uncle, Sir John Forrest, in 1869 during a search for the lost Leichhardt expedition party. Sir John later became the state's first premier.
And now that Andrew Forrest - a friend of the Prime Minister, John Howard, and a guest at the controversial Perth dinner for the Labor leader, Kevin Rudd, hosted by Brian Burke - has put his weight behind Windarra, he has got the market buzzing.
The value of the company that owns the deposit, Niagara Mining, has tripled within a week on the strength of Mr Forrest's involvement alone.
His last nickel venture, Anaconda Mining, left investors in the lurch when the Murrin Murrin plant failed to meet initial expectations. The corporate regulator is seeking to ban him as a company director for misleading investors over his $3.2 billion Pilbara iron ore venture, Fortescue Metals. His name came up frequently at the recent West Australian Corruption and Crime Commission hearings, since he used Mr Burke as a lobbyist.
Yet punters are still backing Mr Forrest in his latest venture.
Mr Howland-Rose admits he had a "good laugh" when he learned Mr Forrest, a friend, had decided to tackle Windarra. But he thinks there is a good chance it could be resurrected.
Based on his experience, Mr Howland-Rose said he was hardly surprised Forrest's involvement managed to triple the value of the deposit.
"Markets are like a pendulum," he said. "Sometimes it swings one way and sometimes it swings the other. And sometimes it seems to swing so far it's ridiculous. And that's what happened with Poseidon."
The Poseidon fraud led to stricter controls on sharemarket reporting standards and insider trading following the Rae commission report in 1974.
Although Windarra was mined from 1974 to 1989, primarily by WMC Resources, it proved a break-even proposition at best. Overall, the rocks contained only one-third the amount of nickel the initial spectacular drill results had indicated. For all his enthusiasm, Mr Forrest may be unable to remedy that.
Ron Grogan, a metallurgist who worked at Windarra from 1980 to 1983, said: "[Mr Forrest] is certainly the entrepreneurial type who can get projects going, but it doesn't mean you can find nickel."
But a new nickel boom based on seemingly insatiable demand from China has caused the price of the metal to rise tenfold since 2001. Nickel is now trading at more than $US1 an ounce, meaning it could technically be classified as a precious metal with gold, silver and platinum.
That has made once-marginal deposits like Windarra worth a second glance.
The West Australian Government estimates there is at least 52,400 tonnes of nickel left at Windarra, which would be worth $US2.6 billion ($3.1 billion) at today's prices.
Most of the nickel is under water at the moment, the 550-metre mine shaft flooded up to the 70-metre mark.
On the surface the site in the shire of Laverton serves as a monument to the Poseidon boom, and is visited by hordes of curious tourists.
But that has already begun to change. Drill rigs are on site and tourists are banned on blasting days. Windarra's owners expect they will be able to start mining in September, on a small scale.
Luckily for Niagara, many industry veterans familiar with Windarra do not think most of the past issues, such as the lower-than-expected amount of nickel and some serious rock falls, will return to haunt the mine.
Dave McGowan, who worked underground at Windarra in the early 1980s, said there had been huge advances since the mine closed 18 years ago.
"There are [mines] currently operating with worse conditions," he said. "Things we were doing in those days are classed as prehistoric nowadays."
Peter Arden, a mining analyst with the company Intersuisse, said the economics of nickel mining were greatly different today to what they were when WMC mined Windarra.
"I think maybe it might finally be the case that [Windarra] does throw up some of the enormous promise that was given to it when it was discovered in the 1960s," he said.
"The nickel price is going to stay high for a lot longer."
The excitement among investors, especially day traders, is palpable at the moment, even if it is not quite at Poseidon-like levels. But a decision on whether to invest in Windarra has turned into a referendum on Mr Forrest and his ability to move beyond his tarnished reputation in the nickel industry, rather than one based on concrete evidence.
"He's an interesting addition to the equation," Mr Arden said. "I sense that he has a strong desire … to put the record straight. He left the operation of [Anaconda's] Murrin Murrin project under less than satisfactory conditions. The technical outcomes were poor and the financial outcomes were drastically bad."
Mr Forrest said Windarra would be a "really simple project" since the type of nickel is much easier to process. "We don't see any of the rocket science required over the road at Murrin Murrin at this project."
The former Niagara chairman Doug Daws, who led the effort to buy the infamous mine from WMC two years ago for $7 million and brought in Mr Forrest to improve its prospects, has stopped short of giving any guarantees about Windarra's future.
However, he did offer this: "One day when the pages of history are written about the mining industry in Western Australia, Andrew Forrest's name will be in bold print."
And depending on the outcome at Windarra, Mr Forrest's name may rank right alongside that of Poseidon.

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