Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rogers Says Geithner Caused Crisis, Must Let Banks Fail

Rogers Says Geithner Caused Crisis, Must Let Banks Fail

Feb. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Jim Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings, talks with Bloomberg's Lori Rothman about U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's handling of the financial crisis.

Geithner yesterday pledged government financing for as much as $2 trillion of efforts to spur new lending and address banks' toxic assets. Rogers, speaking from Singapore, also discusses the U.S. banking industry and investment strategy. (Source: Bloomberg)

00:00 Geithner "caused this problem."
00:52 U.S. "making...the same mistake" as Japan
02:06 Plans for toxic assets, bank industry
03:24 Spending more "weakens the whole system."
05:28 Rogers's investment strategy

Jim start to short US stock again. IBM GE JP Morgan.

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